Shut Up Brain (The Musical)

by @esc4p3

Liner Notes

Thanks first of all to @chris_buono and @elainedimasi and others for your feedback on the lyric 'Shut Up Brain'. Original lyric posted here

I decided to give this a go and do some spoken word with a bit of musical background, nothing too taxing.

So there we have it. I think the vocal is much better in the mix than my other vocal attempt, but of course probably not many people like the sound of their own voice. See what you think

EDIT: being hyper-critical, as we often are of ourselves....I think the background is a bit repetitive, I could work on this for hours. It has grabbed my attention, thanks to you for making it do that to me ❤️

#spokenword #yikes


There's only so much chaos that I can stand
For goodness sake, it's feeling way out of hand
The noise and the ‘blah’ is getting in the way
I've had it up to here with you today

It's my brain that I am telling you about
Its tales of woe, loathing and self doubt
It leads me astray with every chance it gets
Sometimes I start to think, they aren't just idle threats

Shut up brain, please shut the heck up
I need to think, please don't interrupt
Give me some silence to think for a bit
This is freaking me out, more than I care to admit

There is no off switch for this thing in my head
It starts to go crazy as I'm ready for bed
A good nights sleep would be good at this stage
Instead of relaxed all I'm feeling is rage

Counting sheep, control that breathing
Still not sleeping, anger seething
Perhaps it's those 12 cups of coffee I've been drinking
That might just be the cause of my over-thinking

Shut up brain, please shut the heck up
I need to think, please don't interrupt
Give me some silence to think for a bit
This is freaking me out, more than I care to admit

The truth of it is, I usually sleep well
But the thrill of having a story to tell
Makes me smile and relax in the hope that one day
You'll remember that sometimes it's okay not to be okay


I love the panning crunch on that bass. It's almost like static bouncing between my ears. Your vocal mix sounds great. I like how they sit against the music. And I didn't notice the music being repetitive at all, I was focused on what you were saying, so I'd say mission accomplished!
This was AWESOME. I'm so glad you made this into a full on musical. Such a creative use of all elements.
I like your #yikes. I actually found this gave me a little lift. Others feel the same way I do. So well done.
Absolutely nothing wrong with repetition.
Really excellent vocal performance here.
Great lyrics, too.
I like the "racing brain" effect with the percussion at the end.
Yeah, I enjoyed this very much.
Whoa! Surprise, surprise, surprise! I hadn't envisioned this with a musical background, but I have to tell you, IT WORKS! And works quite well. Fab complement is the music b.g. to the words being said and to your voice that carries good inflection with believable story-like quality while unveiling this tale.

Dug the run of sole music at the end--further helps with making this sw that much more uniquely fresh. Great job you did with this!