
by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


Antelope, it is my home
The deer don't play, nor buffalo roam
It's just a small town, close to Sac
One that the 80's did bring back

An 1800's railroad town
It was a train that brought it all down
When they exploded in '73
There wasn't much left there to see

A store, the P.O. all were gone
And several houses, now well done
The blasts we heard from miles away
We wondered who would survive that day

I woke that morning from the boom
And wondered who had crashed my room
The train, the bombs, all up in flame
Not how the town wanted to gain fame

The lucky part, no one was hurt
Though years later, deep in the dirt
More bombs were found, and they were live
How could a town like that survive?

But through it all, it overcame
And all the people rose to proclaim
We'll build this city, from the rubble
We'll work, our efforts will redouble

So now it's been over 50 years
And the memories of those dark days blurs
The town, once small, now 50 grand
A phoenix from a netherland


Funny start - semi parody of Home on the Range, then getting deadly serious. Going to Google it to find out more!