Fault of the Game

by @philkmills

Fault of the Game

Liner Notes

#filk #games #acoustic

I started this song with the chorus, which I like, but I'm not so sure about the verses. Maybe they'll grow on me; maybe they'll get replaced. Whatever...it's certainly not the song I set out to write. đŸ˜€

The inspiration was ads for online games that promote the idea that success in a game will make you loved or feared in real life.


I’ve seen the big fish gobbled up by
Bigger fish in turn.
The boast that’s made before the bite shows
Nothing has been learned…

Though, if they zoomed out farther, they might
See the fate they’ve earned.

Maybe we all need winners
To show how high to aim,
But if winners must have losers
That’s a flaw, in the game.

The bullies with their billions, points
Deserved, or so they claim
Are told that they can cut in line and
No one should complain…

For honour and respect are currency
By different names

Maybe we all need winners
To show how high to aim,
But if winners must have losers
That’s a flaw, in the game.

Where cheating’s just a tactic, honesty
Obstructs the spent.
Where braggarts are applauded, the sincere
May act content…

And leave the victor wondering where
All the players went.

Maybe we all need winners
To show how high to aim,
But if winners must have losers
That’s a flaw, in the game.

Maybe we all need winners
To show how high to aim,
If winners must have losers
That’s the fault of the game.


Super interesting lyrics on an ad for online games. Great vocal and melody.
"But if winners must have losers
That’s a flaw, in the game.".................great line
I think its a keeper. The chorus is very strong but the verses complete the picture.
how often does that happen! but its another song, and you can always go back and write the other one. good lyric, unfortunately yup braggarts seem everywhere. nicely done
the vocal really suits the topic.
I think the whole song was a beautiful touching and meaningful one. And it was sung with a beautiful voice. This was some fantastic work. Really a soft and moving delight to listen to.
Keeping with the aquatic theme from the first verse, in "pay to win" games, folks who buy up advantage with real dollars are normally called "whales".