When Love's Not Enough

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Not Enough Coffee (@scubed)

Liner Notes

Thank you for the lovely prompt. I have a few compositions about coffee, so I thought of using the idea of "not enough" for the inspiration, and then the title was given to me by AI. My idea was to compose about the situations when love might be not enough. This can happen when someone loves very much someone who doesn't, or when someone is ill and love unfortunately might be not enough to save this person. Music is open to suggestions and interpretations. Please let me know what you hear. My music is open to collaborations. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you for listening and commenting.

#skirmish #acoustic #collaborationswelcome

'When Love's Not Enough' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


What a gifted composer you are…a melody that lingers on with its beauty and poignancy…
beautiful sad and true, sometimes it is not! the music captures a sort of lost feel .
Beautifully sad! Very creative and effective use of the skirmish prompt - I'm glad it worked for you. Thanks for participating!
Beautiful, a bit Debussy-esque maybe at the beginning which is amazing. I love the easy flow! I like how your playing gets a bit more edgy in the middle, and then picks up speed a bit towards the end. Nice one!
I like the variations in tempo, which to me in this music suggest things that are difficult or unfamiliar. Very nice!
I just love your piano takes on these prompts. I can kind of see myself sitting on a porch or looking out a small cafe window, either way it's raining and I've got my warm cup of joe to comfort me through the pain of whoever just left me high and dry and took the cat. Maybe I'll get another kitten to ease the pain.
Some melancholy but lovely music. Spellbinding too!
Lovely and rather sad. I always look forward to seeng one of your tunes on a skirmish.