Say It

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#instrumental #bass #drums #tootlestick #piano #short
Inspired by this week's "descending chords" prompt.


Good track and it is done in an interesting way with the choice of sounds and melodies. I like the sound you've got on the piano too
Forgive me for making the comparison, but when the tootle stick comes in, I was reminded of Eric Leeds and the vibe brought to the Madhouse project (side band of Prince's). I didn't really appreciate the arrangement of their songs back then, but as I do this piece, I appreciate what goes into making the music come to life. Wasn't expecting it to be as upbeat after the descending chords, but you made it work, dude.
its not easy to get descending sounds really different but youve done a good job here, aided and abetted by the tootlesticks.
This kinda sounds like it belongs in Legend of Mana. Or something similar ( excellent role playing game) The piano sound matches the one used in the game.
Great use of the weekly prompt.