Mamma likes her chocolates(don't tell mamma)

by @marthie

Skirmish: The smallest thing (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

don't ask: My procrastinator is eating chocolates (and writing chocolate songs about it) while I am suppose to work on my Proposal...


Mamma likes her chocolates
Mamma likes sweets
she puts in on her tongue
then puts it on repeat.

At first it seems quite harmless
at first it just looks nice
but before you even know it
they become canon balls of demise.

Oh the smallest thing can be your downfall
the smallest thing can end it all
Well when chocolate covered peanuts
meet lips it goes to hips mmm

oh don't tell mamma
about Monday's diet
don't tell her-
you'll just make her mad

Yes don't tell mamma
about Monday's diet
don't tell mamma-
you'll just make her mad
cause mamma knows no Mondays made
For Thursdays chocolate fad…

Mamma likes her chocolates
Mamma likes sweets
she puts in on her tongue
then puts it on repeat.



This is a fantastic song, skirmish or not. The smoky jazz club vibe to this adds a lot to the lyrics. Really nice work, your vocals are stellar!
This is fun! I also wrote an earlier food-related song during FAWM about eating too much fast food and empty calories. Your take on this concept is amazing!
Ha! Yummmm…. Darn procrastinator and chocolate cravings can definitely take over! I love the expressive bluesy feel and the insight. Great hook! Delightfully delicious song, Marthie!
Love the bluesy tone to the whole thing. Thanks!
I'm so glad I came back and I've only heard two lines, the piano is exquisite, beautiful vocal, wonderfuly playful, I loved it
Tried to listen the video comes up as private 😄