Walls and windows

by @marthie

Skirmish: Come to my house (@cartoonboyfriend)

Liner Notes

sometimes I think walls have memories with hands that reach out to remind you of your good days and bad days(and then bellylaughs).


Catch me when I fall
for the darkness
catch me when I touch
and don't let go

In this house the walls have
bricks and windows
in this house my soul bleeds dry
within webs of puzzled prayers

it wil be over
the doubt and insecurity
on the arrival of the new sun
we will be baking cupcakes
you can help decorate them when you
come to my house.

sometimes I think walls have memories
with hands that reach out
to remind you of your good days and bad days
(and then bellylaughs).

Catch me when I fall
for the darkness
catch me when I touch
and don't let go
and don't let go


This is absolutely gorgeous Marthie! There is a haunting feeling to the music and vulnerability in your gorgeous vocal delivery of the melody. The lyrics are so full of poetry and compassion and insight. Brilliant writing and moving performance!
I love the cautious tone and daydreamy feeling.
Love your voice. "Ar-eye-vull" :)
It would be so nice to have a house with hands to catch you when you fall, and sing lullabies to you when you have insomnia! You have a lovely voice.
Oh haunting! What a great interpretation!