The Shining Star

by @danielkelly

Liner Notes

I guess if I'm going to write songs anyway, I might as well post them here. Plus, Let's Go Kamala!


Mother can we beat the man,
Am D D7
Who grabs us with his tiny hands,
Em Am C
Who thinks we are his to command,
Am B
or sell and trade like tracts of land.
Can we.

Yes my daughter it is true,
There’s something that we all can do,
It’s vote for me and vote for you,
And turn the red states into to blue,
We Can.

Mother but there’s so much fear,
I feel the sting of sorrow here,
Choice, dignity they disappear,
My body’s rights no longer clear,
I fear,

But my daughter there is hope,
The tyrant’s hung on his own rope,
As madness carries down the slope,
The hateful mob in need of soap,
Don’t fear,

Mother they laugh at my skin,
Deciding who is out and in,
Red hats and guns and stupid grins,
I fear their hatred’s sure to win,
This time,

Daughter though the darkness swirls,
Look to the sea of shining pearls,
Of powerful women and girls,
Whose hopeful banner now unfurls,
We’ll rise.

Mother I believe your word,
I’ll tell the others what I’ve heard,
My hope for freedom has been stirred,
That shining star, that precious bird,
Will fly,


What an interesting approach for a political song. No ranting, no shouting. There's something about your delivery that calms the seas, and the simplicity of the music is very engaging.
Like you, I now look at the USA from beyond its borders and with more hope now thanI have had for years. Great POV choice.
what cool storytelling. great lyric and a very intimate delivery! .i get the message.
Love your storytelling, vocals, instrumentation.