A Grain of Sand

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: The smallest thing (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

Very interesting prompt! I was thinking about many different possibilities but I've decided to have a chat with AI regarding possible ideas and I loved the suggestion of "A Grain of Sand". So set at the piano and recorded my music and then realized that my levels were not checked. You see, after teaching online my Audacity levels somehow change and the recording was too soft. So I had to change my levels and start all over. Never mind, I had the chance to practice and to check what I wanted to change. So, this is a version I kept. The other one had to be deleted. Still, I hope it works for you. Please kindly share your ideas what you think my music is about. Do you hear a lyric possibility? Other instruments joining? I always enjoy collaborating on a new version :)
Thank you for listens and comments.

#skirmish #acoustic #collaborationswelcome

A Grain of Sand' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


Maybe along the lines like "Without you I feel like a grain of sand"...


You are very skilled at nostalgic melodies. I am picturing the hallway in my grandparents' house with tightly packed pictures of family all the way.
The flow of moods and emotions created have a poignant reflective feel - like the sands of time.
For me this has a feel of a conversation with persuasion by pleading. Wonderful playing!
Feels melancholy, then happy, then melancholy. I had this strange vision of a woman in an empty, gray room that only had a chair, and a small table with an hour glass. She was watching the sand fall, then looked out the window as the breeze blew through her hair. Then she turned back to the empty room and began dancing all alone. Soon she was transformed into an energetic woman in a beautiful gown and was dancing with a handsome gentleman. They danced and twirled all the around the now colorful room until she finally sat back in the chair and discovered the empty room again.
I'm sorry it was trouble for you but this is worth it! Makes me feel both happy and yet reflective!