
by @chris_buono

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Once I heard @plainwhitetoast 's monster sound for their #punk #rock #instrumental "Buffala" (that its instrumental has now been set to "private" and locked/unable for fawmers to listened to the music--unlike at the time of my write for it)I had to put it to lyrics--it was just too cool! Thx, pwt, for letting me do so.

Taking the band's "Buffala" spelling (i.e., with two "fs") instead of with what I could only find as being spelled with one "f," I left pwt's original double f spelling in place. Still, my interpretation of "buffala" in their title was "mozzarella di 'bufala,'" (i.e., Buffalo mozzarella) and I wrote this lyric around that and the band's quick-paced jam. Had a blast with this #collab !

See how all works for you, pwt, to bring to life this lyric in with your "Buffala" music for it. Let me know if there are any problems with you doing so.

Fawmers, you can check out pwt's "Buffala" and match my lyrics to it here: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/298894 (note: *music is now locked set to private by pwt on their account.)



0:02 Let me tell you 'bout buffala...
0:07 Fine-tasting cheese I always loved...
0:12 Never knew why
0:14 Just made me wanna cry
0:17 'Cause it's just so damn pleasing to my rovin' eye

0:22 Paired with some plain white toast...
0:26 So heavenly, it's the most...
0:31 Nothing less than thanks
0:33 To those buffalo, in the ranks
0:36 Bringing such delicious my craving way

0:41 Let me tell you 'bout buffala...
0:45 Fine-tasting cheese I always loved...
0:50 Never knew why
0:52 Just made me wanna cry
0:55 'Cause it's just so damn pleasing to my rovin' eye


Great fun nice to hear a live band take