Sundrops and Eternity

by @rocketgrrrl

Challenge: Get Lost
Sundrops and Eternity

Liner Notes

#folk #soft #girlwithpiano #flute

This is my response to the Get Lost #challenge. I've got my #scifi #larp this weekend, so starships are on my mind.


Sundrops and Eternity
Jemma Kline

Warp drive set for Alcyon,
Warning light now flashing on.
Sudden jolt of something wrong,
Then see:

Sundrops, raining through the heavens,
Protons, splashing on my hull.
Spacetime, folding through forever,
Splendor, shining through it all.

Star formations gone from sight,
Lost among the endless night.
Pick a course to set it right,
Then see:

Sundrops, raining through the heavens,
Protons, splashing on my hull.
Spacetime, folding through forever,
Splendor, shining through it all.

Fuel cell is running dry,
Air tanks give a warning chime.
Make a final hopeless try,
Then see:

Sundrops, raining through the heavens,
Protons, splashing on my hull.
Spacetime, folding through forever,
Splendor, shining through it all.


Always nice to hear authentic flute - from a fellow flute player! The flow from your verse to your chorus and back again is so good - great melodic choices in both parts. I really like the change-up in the bridge - both in pacing and melody - nice mood shift.
I appreciate the attitude of, "I've done everything I can, now it's up to the universe". That seems to be coming through here in the factual verses contrasted with the chorus imagery.
Fabulous work on this Jemma.
@jtsteam I was hoping you might like this one!
I like this one, the sense of the long journey that it turns out is going to be really very long indeed comes across with the dramatic piano chords. I particularly like the chorus.
Such a splendid chorus contrast with verses that see things much differently.