C'Mon Baby

by @esc4p3

Liner Notes

This one took some pulling together. All the sounds from and partly sequenced on the Fantom, but pulled over into Reaper to record in several loops and bits.

Again, not a genre of expertise for me, but it was massive fun trying to get all the vocal samples (again all off the Fantom) in the right places.

Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW
Fantom sounds, various drums, various vocal one shots, MG Deep Bass, Step Slicer and Step Growl, Bass sequence, Juicy JP synth, and more!

#hiphop #electronic #fawmtronica


That deep bass is thick! The glitchy sounds that come in around :55 are total ear candy. Love the rhythms of everything together, the synths, vocals, and drums really come together in an infectious groove. Very cool foray into the uncharted territory!
I like the way you patch together the vocal bits to create a sense of melody. Nice heavyosity to the bass.
Oooh, vocal samples!! So fun! I'm a sucker for a god "whoo!", haha. I love that you're working with what you have and making incredible music out of it. The nasty bassline in this has my whole heart. And the weirdness that starts coming in at 0:53? AMAZING. I looooove how you build your tracks. No shortage of ear candy to be found. And the BIG DRUMS at 1:29! Ah! Another great piece!
Exciting and exhilarating stuff! So well put together...
I commend you for remaining level-headed while crafting this piece: it would be easy to fall for all those great sounds and to throw them erratically, but you've put a lot of thought into the build-up, and the result is very nice.
Ha! This is fun! Love it when samples play well together!
great drums and some interesting samples over the top. fun stuff.
Great sound. Addictive and interesting compellation.