Dancing in the Rain

by @cbmagic

Skirmish: "Unexpected Rain" (@cbmagic)
Dancing in the Rain

Liner Notes

Linger Notes for "Dancing in the Rain"
Title: Dancing in the Rain
Lyricist: Carl Crosby
Tags: #happy #ballad #unexpectedrain #dance #joy #rain #collaborationwelcome


Verse 1:
On a sunny afternoon, I set out on my way,
The sky was blue, the air was warm, a perfect summer day.
But then the clouds rolled in so fast, a storm began to brew,
Unexpected rain fell down, but oh, what did I do?

I danced in the rain, with a heart so free,
The world was my stage, just the sky and me.
Laughter echoed through the storm, joy in every drop,
In that unexpected rain, I never wanted to stop.

Verse 2:
Children played in puddles, their laughter filled the air,
Strangers shared umbrellas, kindness everywhere.
The rain became a melody, a symphony so sweet,
I found a friend beside me, we moved to the beat.

We danced in the rain, with a heart so free,
The world was our stage, just the sky and we.
Laughter echoed through the storm, joy in every drop,
In that unexpected rain, we never wanted to stop.

Sometimes life brings a storm, when we least expect,
But in those moments, joy is what we can select.
Embrace the rain, let it wash away your fears,
Find the beauty in the storm, and dance through the tears.

Verse 3:
As the sun began to peek, through the cloudy sky,
A rainbow painted colors, as the storm said goodbye.
Hand in hand we wandered, with smiles bright and true,
In that unexpected rain, I found happiness with you.

We danced in the rain, with a heart so free,
The world was our stage, just the sky and we.
Laughter echoed through the storm, joy in every drop,
In that unexpected rain, we never wanted to stop.

So when the rain comes falling, and clouds obscure the light,
Remember there’s a joy within, to brighten up your night.
Dance in the rain, let your spirit soar,
In every storm, find the love you’re searching for.


Wonderful movement in the song of hovering on seeming bad-news rain that ends up joyous dancing in the streets and a love story too! Love the sharing of umbrellas and showing the love
I have a melody/progression for this if you're open to me trying it?
Lovely singing lyrics, visual and happy. Thank you for your prompt and kind comment 🎵🎶✨️
That’s a nice twist, a storm bringing out personal expression and leading to a happy ending. It’s the kind of song that encourages us all to look for the possibilities in the moment.
I really like the mid song change to "just the sky and we".

As someone who lives in Phoenix, we always dance in the rain, when and if it ever gets here.
Oh I love this! I have danced in the rain and it's wonderful! I want to hear this and see a video!