Let It Slide

by @hmstreetteam

Skirmish: LET IT SLIDE (@corinnecurcio)

Liner Notes

#acousticrock #poprock
The skirmish provided the title. I can’t quite believe I wrote this song in 30 minutes.
Update: After listening to this song for two days, I can hear how the melody and guitar reflect Melissa Etheridge and Jackson Browne #folkrock influences.


We’re all going back to our true nature
Just ’cause it’s the natural thing to do
No longer be the runner or the chaser
How ’bout I be me and you be you

Eagles gonna fly
Tigers gonna hide
Liars gonna lie
Until they realize
Sliders gonna let it slide

It’s a case of what were we thinking
To play the parts that we knew were fake
What kind of potion were we drinking
And how much time was it gonna take

Eagles gonna fly
Tigers gonna hide
Liars gonna lie
Until they realize
Sliders gonna let it slide

Let it slide
No more sorrow
Let it slide
For a new tomorrow
Let it slide
That’s the answer
Never gonna be a new romancer

Let it slide
No more lies
Let it slide
No lines to memorize
Let it slide
Like one two three
All you gotta do is act naturally

Eagles gonna fly
Tigers gonna hide
Liars gonna lie
Until they realize
Sliders gonna let it slide

Eagles gonna fly
Tigers gonna hide
Liars gonna lie
Until they realize
Sliders gonna let it slide


Great job on the 30 minute skirmish, I’m always impressed people can do that.

Love the line sliders gonna slide, great take on the prompt. The whole true nature angle throughout is nice.

Especially liked the what kind of potion are we drinking and how how much time was it gonna take.
Interesting combinations, great skirmish.
Really lovely. So well played. Amazing for skirmish. Very nice and clever take on the prompt.
"Tigers gonna hide" is great, I never thought about it like that but I guess they can't help themselves from being sneaky and camouflaged! I'm so pleased you surprised yourself with some speed here too, it's always nice to be proud of a swiftly-written song :)
Gosh! Love this strumming and feel of this song! Great job!
I love the strumming on this. A great half hours work.
I especially like the melody on this. I'm glad you were able to write this song so quickly and astonished yourself!