Dancehall Floor

by @mace66

Liner Notes

This is an indie pop song and probably the nearest I get to being able to write a love song...

#indiepop #guitar #pop #fun


So I opened the door,
To the dancehall floor,
And your hapless balter was what I saw.
In a crazy moment of impulsiveness,
You span around in your sequinned dress.

And I knew right then it would be such a shame,
And I would only have myself to blame,
And my life would never be the same,
If I didn't make the moves to match your game,
And sweep you right off your feet.

So I loosened my core,
And entered onto the floor,
Then I made some shapes like never before,
In a crazy moment of impulsiveness,
I raised my game with a shimmy no less.

And I knew right then it would be such a shame,
And I would only have myself to blame,
And my life would never be the same,
If I didn't make the moves to match your game,
And sweep you right off your feet.

I could do no more,
On that dancehall floor,
To make an impression that's for sure,
In a crazy moment of impulsiveness,
I leapt in the air and blew you a kiss.

And I knew right then it would be such a shame,
And I would only have myself to blame,
And my life would never be the same,
If I didn't make the moves to match your game,
And sweep you right off your feet.

So I opened the door,
To the dancehall floor,
And we both strolled out and smiles we wore.
In a crazy moment of impulsiveness,
We both spun around like a Whirling Dervish.

And I knew right then it would be such a shame,
And I would only have myself to blame,
And my life would never be the same,
If I didn't make the moves to match your game,
And sweep you right off your feet.
And I knew right then it would be such a shame,
And I would only have myself to blame,
And my life would never be the same,
If I didn't make the moves to match your game,
And sweep you right off your feet.


"balter" -- that's not actually a word, is it? (edit: well I never, as you were).

The drums have a nice swing to them, helps pop the song along nicely. Is this real (electronic pad) drums?
Bah is the new nah.
Great beat and very nice guitar playing. I like the fast pacing of the lyrics - it gives the song really nice forward momentum. Oh nice synth add in between verses under the guitar - that cool high note - I had to go back and listen again! I like the ba bah backing vocals. This is not only a love song, but a seize the moment and go for it song. I loved this line "Then I made some shapes like never before" - what a cool way to describe brave dancing. I really enjoyed your song.
One of those songs you sort of feel you know but not exactly! Talking heads posh I think! Really good