Do More

by @lamerabbit


Liner Notes

Lyrics are a bit of "oh there was some idea but delivery not so much, trash it... ah but it is 50/90 and still long way to go... fuck it, song is a song is a".

Not really very energetic or brutal at least not what I had in mind. But hey, these are the days anything goes. One third done. Do more!

Once again first ever try to "sing" the lyrics. Was really not gonna keep it... but it bothered me so little that I am now off to other things undone.


The feelings you wallow in
The ones you learned from media
True cargo culting at first
Until you learned to depress yourself

With them
Like a hero
That is so fucking hurt
That almost saved the world

By looking inside
To their empty self
That ever made so little
Spent the time worrying
About nothing relevant
To escape real actions
That come with real risk

Think more
Wallow less
Do much more
Live a little

Think more
Wallow less
Do much more
Give a little - shit here and there


I'm not sure what you mean by "not really very energetic" but this sound pretty darn raucous to my ears, and, is so much fun! Not to mention true ("Give a little shit here and there" indeed)! It's a pure expression of anger at the status quo in the best punk tradition.
Yes! Pure! Punk! Jubilant! I got sad when it ended, have to listen to it again!