she goes

by @nahlej381

Liner Notes

#indie #midwestsurf #indierock #lofi

felt like getting in touch with my roots, knocking off pixies tunes with very artificial drums...just like when i was in college o so long ago and it was so out of fashion then too. either way, here's me doin stuff. still hate my singing voice/yelling voice but hey, i'm the only one in here at the who else was gonna do it?

made the music bed in about 20 minutes, the lyrics took me a little bit to carve together out of 3 separate half baked ideas. i had fun. that's the mission.

used my green bullet mic a bit...that in itself is always fun. plus guitarrin' never lets me down.


minds wander and drift
has me wondering if
rain clouds come thundering in
flashing loud crashes
flicker fire fly and get me water

i been trying to think of something funny to say
try to write it down
it just floats away
just the way she goes

time flies
stands still
i can't even track days to weeks
dig the earth deeper
burn the hearth brighter
flicker fire fly and get me water

i been trying to think of something funny to say
try to write it down
it just floats away
just the way she goes


Haven't listened to this style of music for a while, takes me back. Sounds good to me
Well, I frickin' love your singing/yelling voice. So there. Definitely getting the Pixies vibe. Ooooh. And the change up into the second section is a delight. Chord progression and melody there is gorgeous. Nice BVs too dude. Who really cares what's in fashion, it's about what's good. And this is really really good. I hereby humbly request more in the same vein...
You took me back to my college days with this one.
Sort of thing I'd hear wafting out of any given dorm window on the way to class or to grab a bit to eat at the SpartanMart.
Vocals are super cool, dude.
You are now required to do more like this.
Great guitar bed (20 minutes?? c'mon man. you work so friggin quick!) and drums sound so classic with the mix you put on this.
Not that I'm hip to this genre, but I do know it feels super 90s early 00s and its spot on.
This was a great listen and honestly could be on the radio even today, imo.
@coolparadiso ya nah ya. If I wasn’t so soft and poor I’d like to think I’d make a good Australian fella. But if I stumbled upon any piece of nature from your beautiful country I would die…even the foliage seems to not fuck around. Just curious…do tourists really try to cuddle and box roos? Tourists are the worst…another reason I justify not being one I suppose even tho that decision is mostly fiscal. Ya Australian tv and music has had a big influence on me.
Yelling voice sounds fine to me and fits the song - love the sudden ending too.
cool contrast between the bratty verses and the infectious chorus. both parts are catchy and when we dont have one, we have the other. and you are right about the guitars. they will neve let you down.
up some real pixies in here and as one of my favs i am very happy "it just floats away
just the way she goes " now thats Pixies - thiu is a cracker mate Fckin oath - there's some more aus culture for ya
Some great lines and interesting performance. The pixies can be grateful for you keeping their name alive!