The Lexicon Of Loneliness

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#pensive #piano #flute #instrumental #tootlestick
Music and image by DD.


Oh my, this is just lovely DD. Wow. That flute & piano together is just wonderful. I could listen to this wort of thing for endless hours.

See You In The Shadows…
i cannot put into words how much i love your flute playing. i also love the piano part , and when it gives way to the synth, something is gained but something is lost. the impression i giet with the flute and iano is that they are chasing each other, each taking surprising twists and turns which the other skillfully follows.
Very nice flute playing, and I heard some interesting chord changes in there that caught me by surprise in a good way.
ah i can just drift away to this! the flute is so relaxing!and that faster paced piano pushing it all along! very nice
This is very beautiful! The flute melody almost sings