In the Shadows of The Trees

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: In the Shadows (@scubed)

Liner Notes

Thank you @scubed for your lovely prompt. It was fun to compose to the shadow theme. Thank you to everyone who is listening and commenting. I appreciate it. Please let me know if you find my music of interest to collaborate on a song idea. I enjoy collaborating and having a new version to my instrumental is interesting and inspiring.

Please don't let it influence your opinion, but I was thinking about a fairy tale where the shadows of the trees are keeping memories about what happened in the past. Kind of a connection between a fairy tale and a reality. But instrumentals are always open to suggestions and interpretations :)

#skirmish #shadows #instrumental #collaborationswelcome

'In the Shadows of The Trees' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


What a great background inspiration for this lovely piece! I love the image of trees holding memory in their shadows. Beautiful!
I get a street carnival feeling, someone trying to put some energy into a quiet scene, or trying to get things started. Good cheerful music.
I really like the "dark carnival" vibe I got from this! It full of whimsical mystery; not danger, but a touch of darkness that heightens the senses and perhaps raises the hairs on the back of the neck. It's incredible that this was a skirmish, because it has a real sense of purpose and direction and feels like a fleshed-out composition. Great job!

(Just read your liner notes after writing the above; yep, I can definitely "see" that story as well. Such an evocative piece!)
Another beautiful piece, Nadia! 💗 I feel sort of a melancholic longing in the melody and I love your story idea!
This music moves! Great feel and a wonderful job!
I love the lush feel and lovely flow of this song. The chords used work really well and I like the movement in the bass line as it provides a rich foundation for the gorgeous melody. Really enjoyed the sound of this piece.
Ooooh, we love a song that’s founded on a bass walk down! Looooove this. Great melody line, especially in the “verse 2” section.