Is It A Ghost?

by @troubadette

NSFW Skirmish: Ghost (@wylddandelyon)

Liner Notes

NSFW for an artistic F-bomb that I honestly feel is extremely justified. My first skirmish this FAWM, huzzah! #ghost #acousticonetake


I got home from work and I took off my shoes
And thought that I left them right next to the door
I hung up my jacket and put down my bag
And then suddenly my shoes weren’t there anymore

It’s funny, I swear
“I left them right there”
Is the thought that I find myself thinking the most
And in all my blundering
I can’t help wondering
Is it my ADHD or is it a ghost?

So I opened the fridge for no reasonable reason
And stared at the shelves for a moment or two
It’s not like I thought that my shoes would be in there
It just kind of felt like something I should do

It’s funny, I swear
“I left them right there”
Is the thought that I find myself thinking the most
And in all my blundering
I can’t help wondering
Is it my ADHD or is it a ghost?

If it’s a ghost, I have so many questions
Are you being a dick? Are you asking for help?
Is it weird being dead? Did you die in my house?
Or do you not exist and I’m basically haunting myself?

So I picked up my bag and I took it upstairs
Scrolled through my phone, kind of checking for news
I went back downstairs to play video games
And right there by the door I saw my fucking shoes

It’s funny, I swear
“I left them right there”
Is the thought that I find myself thinking the most
And in all my blundering
I can’t help wondering
Is it my ADHD or is it a ghost?


Congrats on your first skirmish!! Such clever and light-hearted lyrics. I love your melody and vocals - wonderful lyrical pacing and such nice forward momentum in your song. "Is it my ADHD or is it a ghost?" - what a great line. This song made me smile the whole way through - amazing skirmish write and beautiful acoustic one-take!
Ha, this is adorable and made me laugh. You have a beautiful voice that really catches the attention from the first syllable. Really great song!
This is so great! I love the clever lyrics and your delightful vocal delivery. I so relate to this song - I have ADHD, and I can lose an object when I'm in the middle of using it. And yes, your F-bomb was an artistically perfect choice.
I love that bridge! This is so much fun. And still, none of your questions are answered! Tricksy ghosties, hiding your shoes, but only for a little while. Wait until tomorrow, what might disappear then? First skirmish of the challenge, huzzah indeed. Thanks for coming to my skirmish!
Pfff. The bridge made me snicker. "Is it weird being dead", etc. was a fun little diversion from the theme. But yes, this is definitely relatable. You sound great as always, and I enjoyed the Celtic ballad-y sort of rhythm. F-bomb accepted.
I really enjoyed the sly storytelling here, and your voice is lovely! There's a wonderful gentle humor here, and yes, that F-bomb is perfectly placed and executed. Listening to this made me very happy!
You tell that ghost, if you have time to hide my shoes, you have time to fold laundry.

I like "haunting myself" as a hook.
Relatable! I know I've wound up "basically haunting myself" (great turn of phrase) here and there. Clear, humorous narrative and warm sound.