Screen’s Too Small

by @hmstreetteam

Skirmish: Online dating (@cbmagic)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

A success — I wrote something and didn’t just fall asleep,


I’m trying to impress a woman
And I do have a way with words
But I have made it so hard for myself
That it is almost absurd
You see I’m not actually there
And she’s not in front of me
Except on a screen that’s so small
That I can barely see

I should just say
I can’t do it at all
At the end of the day
The screen’s too small

I feel like I have to keep the answers short
Even if I have a lot to say
Will she scroll to read the rest
Or will she just scroll away

And then I’m afraid I’ll be ghosted
Like maybe I spell a word wrong
Or if I answer too fast
Or if I take too long

I should just say
I can’t do it at all
At the end of the day
The screen’s too small

Sure there are days when it’s almost easy
And I’m sure that we’re getting somewhere
Other days it’s like a tsunami
And I say when can I come up for air

How does this woman even know that I’m real
That I’m not some kind of machine
And how do I know what this woman is thinking
I can’t read minds through a screen

I should just say
I can’t do it at all
At the end of the day
The screen’s too small


Interesting read, I like the line and the way you incorporated the the screen's too small.