Lost in Time

by @wacha

Challenge: Get Lost
Lost in Time

Liner Notes

I started this one envisioning it more of an Americana/Blue Grass tune but it went off the rails a bit.

I started with "I'm lost in time, no reason or rhyme" as the first line but when I came up with the chorus I changes it.

-This one started out on guitar with the first verse and chorus written. I recorded that then sang along with what I had until I came up with the second verse.
-The guitar is heavily cut up from that first take to make it kind of work.
-I found some drum patterns I liked and ran with that. I am learning that I like snare less and less on these more chill tracks so I took out all the snare and the cymbals in a few places where it felt like a bit much.
-I found some pedal steel, mandolin and fiddle loops I liked and threw them in there.
-I found this really cool bassline that just sort of bounced around and then was able to find a few others that works well with with and ran with that.
-All the samples (except drums) are from Arcade.
-I redid the vocals, tuned them a bit too much, listened again and replaced them with the untuned vocals.
-I did some basic mixing and mastering.

I think all in this one took about 2-3 hours.


Been losing my mind
No reason or rhyme
Thinking about you
What should I do

Heart breaks I've found
Strewn all around
And then there's you
Just walking on through

Everything you've left behind
Just seems to get lost in time

Been losing my will
To just stand still
Thinking about you
What should I do

It breaks my heart
That we must part
It's overdue
Need something new

Everything you've left behind
Just seems to get lost in time


Everything you've left behind
Just seems to get lost in time

Everything you've left behind
Just seems to get lost in time


Love the vocal. Made me think of Delores from the cranberries at first. Just really personable in its tone and delivery which obviously helps carry the emotions in the lyrics here which are very reflective. Nice solo and overall productions.
Sounds like americana/bluegrass to my ear, the gentle rolling motion of the bass and toms give such a great base to all the other elements. The pedal steel, banjo and fiddle loops are perfectly chosen, and you use them just enough without overusing them if that makes sense. Glad you went back to the untuned vocals too - feels like this style needs that sense of authenticity, and they sound awesome in the mix. Nice hook too. Top write!
interesting timing - yeah gives it a bluegrassy feel, but yet distinctly the Catherine I love to listen to! great beat!
This is lovely and mellow. I enjoyed reading about your process, the song sounds much simpler than that, but then making a difficult thing sound easy is a sign of skill, even if it is hard-gained in the moment.
this is a crackin bluegrass tune. the liner notes were a lot of help in understanding the arrangement. thanks for sharing. i really like the way you put some space between the vocal phrases. gives it an easygoing feel.