Soldiers Society

by @esc4p3

Skirmish: Totally Titular, Volume 3... (@robinleaf)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Again I made the "mistake" of sitting down with a cup of tea, coincidentally right on #skirmish time. Decided to pick a prompt at random from the list and see what happens.

Writing lyrics/poems/whatever you'd call it, is new to me and therefore unusually I do have a kind of 'tune' in my head, but I'm not getting that done in the hour....but I may revisit it.

This is a bit of a gloomy subject and not something I'm very familiar with, but anyway, enough excuses....

#titular #totallytitular


As they sit there quietly pondering
In their battered old uniforms
Their fears so strong they were conquering
Unimaginable things that they have faced

In the Army they were once asked to take a stance
The odds of winning seemed far too great
But with their courage, they stood a chance
To vanquish the foes, defending their place

They are members of the Soldiers Society
Scars are painful, not just those you can see
Guarding against other nations impropriety
A dictators order, a battle cry, decree

They’ll remember things ‘til their dying day
Things they won’t ever want to say
The evil that made them do what they did
Things were asked, their conscience forbid

The debt that no-one can never repay
But the price paid was just far too high
All they can do is to sit down and pray
Hoping they never have to say that final goodbye

The torment the pain, the blood the sweat
Never forget, never forget
Soldiers Society can never forget
Full of regret, never forget


so true, it is a society and hard ti get your head around. very good write
I like the mix of perspectives, which of course meets the premise of an organization that represents the actual soldiers.
I like this very much. I'm not familiar with soldiering either, but it rings true to me. I like the idea of the chant at the end.
This is heartbreaking and so full of truth. That last Full of regret, never forget is so powerful!