Skyborne (part 1)

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#instrumental #tootlestick #partwork #sixstringbass
I've been ill for a few days, and inspiration fled. Last night saw a glimmer when I played around with the fabulously nerdy "Moon Bounce" plug-in that you can read about here:
This morning, I feel a lot better, and got this idea floating around in my head while walking my canine clown.
Let's see where this one goes.


Ooh, a multiparter. I was about to listen to the latest one then realised I ought to go back to the beginning. I'm not sure my cheap headphones do justice to the bass so I'll have to listen again later, but I enjoyed the tootlestick and the overall sound you've created as ever.
Came for the tootlesticks! You made me wait, but the drums kept me company on the path! Sounds great, hope you continue to improve healthwise.
Love that falling articulation in the brass, very dramatic. It is good to hear you back and in the game. Hopefully a few more will in the vein will follow 😎
6 strings!!? How derp can one go! It‘s awesome (as always)!
The track sounds like something coming back (your power?)!