The bees lament aka’ All they seem to think I do is ‘buzz. ‘‘

by @tunecat

Skirmish: Bugs (@atornberg)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I’m falling asleep but rattled this off. It needs sorting. I’ll do that in the morning.


Hey there look at me
I am just the humble bee
Buzzing round doing my thing
Doing stuff and trying to sing
But every time I do it comes out’buzz’

Hey there hear my tune
Zooming round like a loon
I pick my chords and start a jam
Its going well I think but bam
Everyone says I’m going ‘buzz’

I feel upset
I feel deflated.
I feel insulted
I feel under-rated.

I’m a singeryou know
With not a bad ear
But it seems
No-one can hear.
All they seem to think I do is ‘buzz. ‘
Yes ….

I buzz you say
But that’s not right
You think I buzz
And well I might

But I’m a singer
So I try you see
To enunciate
quite carefully

And sing of things
both sweet and true
one do them justice
So you’d think ‘ooh

‘That sounds delightful
A singing bee’’
( but …)

I’ve studied hard
I’ve practised well
Vocal warm ups
But you can’t tell
You see a bee
You hear a drone
I sing tunefully
You hear a monotone

I relate stories
With imagery
So besutiful
In oretty keys

And modes tgat
Show my range and taste
To think me plain
It’s such a waste.

To think my talent
Begins and Ends with Zzzzzz
A single tone
Without any jizz

When no ..

If you would live one day like me

You d know i live in harmony
And add my notes
With sonic receptivity -
To the ambience of
Cosmic positivity

-and to think all you think I do is buzz!
I sing out loud
And sing ouclear
And tenderly
And without fear

No amplification
And no fuzz
That what you hear
And perceive it as s buzz


Sweet and touching lyrics from tye bee perspective.
I love the idea of bees having a jam session! Poor bees, our ears just aren’t good enough to appreciate it…
Well done! Or should I say 'it's the bee's knees!'
This made me so sad!! They need the recognition they deserve for their singing! The lyrics are so charming and paint the picture so well, I can hear the little "buzz"s in my head! Well done! :]
Awww… poor little misunderstood and misheard bee! I love the perspective and emotion you brought to this creative lyric! I will listen to the bee’s buzz a bit differently now, imagining them singing!
Awww… poor little misunderstood and misheard bee! I love the perspective and emotion you brought to this creative lyric! I will listen to the bee’s buzz a bit differently now, imagining them singing!
My laptop speaker is broken and distorted so every time you buzzed, I thought of that. Good sound in the song and fun to bring in audience support!