Metamorphosis (a musical Journey through Time)

by @gfandme

Skirmish: Make the Fragment Whole (... (@robinleaf) Challenge: Two Styles

Liner Notes

Inspired by the beautiful art of M.C. Escher: Metamorphosis and by the weekly challenge, here are some fragments, bits and pieces from old days and some new stitched together in a musical Journey through Time.
#challenge #skirmish #instrumental (largely)


© 2024 GF&ME


That was an intense journey, especially at the beginning I could almost see a movie happening in the background. Great work.
This is so interesting and unique, each moves to the next quite nicely. Impressive work tackling this challenge and a skirmish at the same time!
Very cool! I love the different fragments and how you stitched them together!
I see the metamorphosis! Love the way in prophylactic style it’s all stitched together, some beautiful stuff in here!
Intense start and finish! The horns threw me for a loop - very unexpected and cool. And then every other big change after that threw me for a loop again. Fun adventure.