The day before

by @tunecat

Liner Notes

#instrumental #beatwave


NB scroll forward to hear music … !! I created this this morning. Ive screen recorded for two reasons -one, my rock hands haven’t arrived, and two it may be of interest. I’m using beatwave. Everything has to be ‘written’ into the grid. It’s slightly clunky: there’s only three or four modes offered and no means to connect a keyboard -as far as I know. The reason I write like this is cause I’m not around a studio right now .. and I can write ‘tunes’ in my phone in bed, in a cafe, having breakfast etc. I I also really like the sounds I can make particularly if I use the real instruments and I have been experimenting with both sequencing and real time creating and a mix of the two


This must have been a fun session. I like the build-up of this tune. My two cents: I would cut off the first minutes where there is no sound.
Oooooh TOYS!!!
How friggin FUN is this?! That was really fun to watch and hear.
I might have to go seek this Beatwave out...the thought of putting stuff together while falling asleep in bed appeals muchly.
Yeah this definitely has some cool sounds in it - and I see there are TONS to choose from as you scrolled around selecting different sounds.
This reminds me of some app I had on my phone ages ago - it was kinda like this where you had to draw in the stuff on the piano roll. I think I got frustrated because of the limitations - and because it ate my battery like nobody's business.
The randomness of the notes all over...somehow come together cohesively in my ears. You had some really cool syncopation and poly stuff going on as you added more things.
Wow yeah this format is kinda cool - seeing a person's process in real time.
I...used to try to make youtube videos where I showed my DAW in real time as I made stuff. It was fun for a while, but I dunno I just felt like not doing it anymore after a while.
I never thought to do a similar thing during 50/90...very interesting. But I don't think people would stick around during the whole time probably.
Oh well, that was super-enjoyable to me!
Interesting process and you get some fun beats with this. But the beginning where there is no sound makes it confusing.
It would be fun to edit the sounds together in some way, maybe chop some of them to create stutter effects or something.
I could not hear anything??