Where's The Muse?

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


A song is stuck inside my brain
I'm not sure it is mine
A tune, a snappy, tight refrain
It happens all the time

The music trickles in my ear
The words they come as well
But when my time is free and clear
It bids itself farewell

It's like the tune was never there
The words are long forgotten
To me it's such a sad affair
I think there's something rotten

A song should sing, and words express
True meaning or emotion
But now I only find distress
It's such a simple notion

I reach and grasp at simple lines
But rhyming them, unable
I should be seeing all the signs
But fail to turn the table

Ne'er a wordsmith, nor a poet
Crafting music is a skill
Should I give up? Don't I know it?
Soldier on, it's not a drill


Always have a pen and paper handy! Jot down those half-remembered lines.
This lyric expresses a feeling we all often get!