The Purity of the Clenched Fist

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#heavy #doom #sabbathy

As a teenager, I loved Black Sabbath, so it was a joy to crank out this riff-heavy monster. Title is from the Brit show "Spaced"; lyrics are pure nonsense.


High water trousers in shallow water
a desert filled with the dust of a
thousand tractors that attacked the
mole carrying a mountain on his back

And all the while the sound
of my fist hammering my own face

Old man stepladder to the stars and the sun
a shirking lurker a lurking worker of the dawn
a fickle fan of Steely Dan
chomping on pickles and chewing his cud

His cud!

And all the while the sound
of my fist hammering my own face


The guitar is so cool! I agree with @coolparadiso - literally what else is there to say but “rock on”!
I love that heavy hold in here and as a young BS devote what can I say but Rock on!
get this on a metal playlist and you can really fuck with a lot of metal heads. Maybe even incite a revolution in metal lyrics. "hammerinng my own face" could be the new metal dance craze.
You "loved" Sabbath?!?
Excuse me, one does not stop "loving" Sabbath.
The Sab requires your eternal love and respect.
I'm liking the minimal guitar work here.
Great heavy bass and monolithic drums.
We need more songs about cud.
Continuing to love the guitar on the edge of feedback.
Yeah, heavy.
I love the rich, heavy sound of the guitar! Also the shouting vocals!
The text is probably even more surreal after Google translation into German than in the original!
this is one of the best rockers I've heard from you!
very good!
"Smoke on the Water" ... saw them at the Memorial Coliseum in Portland, Oregon - the same place I saw Elvis. I hear some similarities... with Black Sabbath - not Elvis - lol!

"Lyrics are pure nonsense" - the making of a great rock song!