
by @tunecat

Skirmish: "SUNSET" (@corinnecurcio)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Wrote this during the skirmish but couldn’t get it together to post it. Not sure how it’s come out, my brother died suddenly and unexpectedly on 9 June. This sunset relates to him. I never really got to know him. It didn’t stop me feeling immensely cut up about that and the fact he died .. I’d always expected we had years in front of us.


My sunset
Or yours

I hope it was delightful
Your sunset.
I hope you had a sense of wonder
I hope you knew that you were loved
I hope your sunset was blessed.

You lived a life of fabulous adventures
Of family and fun
I never got to share that much
I was a looker on.

But I’m happy you were happy
And I think you really were
Lapping up the best that life could offer.
And being rich in all that you preferred.

You chose to travel and chose to be
Working hard industriously
Busy high up a man of standing
Helping others status-commanding.

I hope it was delightful your sunset
A fitting sundown at the end of play
A life of many treasured moments
Being remembered and toasted at the end of the day

You’ll always be remembered you know
Even if the sun went down too quick
No protracted evenings maybe not a bad thing right?
Just revelling in the sunset .


Beautiful and moving lyrics and take on the prompt. Very sorry for your loss.
thats a lovely thought for someone who has left us! what a good skirmish write to the prompt
I am very sorry for you loss. What a wonderful portrayal of how your brother lived his life, and truly lovely wishes for him. A great take on the prompt. I hope writing this beautiful song gave you a little peace and some healing too. Great skirmish.
A nice warm sentiment, looking back and hoping and wishing. Nicely written.
I’m so sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful poem to your brother. I think writing is such a good thing to do during grief.