
by @mandolinda

NSFW Skirmish: "SUNSET" (@corinnecurcio)

Liner Notes

Used some loops on my #garageband for music. #sunset was the #skirmish prompt.But I had read something earlier today about overslept for two years, and that is what came out. Don't know how the sunset fits in but here it is.
When I was teaching in the 1990's and Google appeared, I could type a few lines of any student's main essay to see if it was [cut and paste] plagiarized/ without any reference material. The students hated me for doing that, but it made them work for their marks.


[Verse 1]
I wrote these lines at sunset
and smiled at them a bit
When I added some more
Stopped and decided to quit
then i typed what I'd penned into Google
and gosh, to my disapproval

the lines were in a song I swear I'd never heard.
like i created every line, every god damned word
they were the ideas that I had just shared
in my own song, head down, sobbing, how absurd!

[versse 2]
so I started writing again
with a brand new refrain
spinning out more new words
as the sleepy sun would set
then I typed it in Google
astonished to discover, another hit.

is it possible to make something original
can there be anything brand new?
Are there only so many words and ideas
can a sunset be anthing different to view?

[verse 3]
so I put my writing away
and drifted to sleep
dreaming of a dawn
where creativity runs deep
As the sunset whispered to a new day
Dreaming of fresh ideas, while I'm asleep.


I enjoyed this story! Sometimes I wonder if the tunes I come up with are things I've heard before. I doubt anyone will chase me up for it though :).

We have tools to tell us where students have copied words from now, and occasionally find evidence of significant plagiarism that way, although LLMs are a much bigger problem...
This is quirky, highly original, very clear and brilliantly delivered. Thank you. I enjoyed so much feeling your personality come through in this witty tale.
Oh gosh! This original lyric is great and you deliver with great emotion! I like the how story evolved and hope the story is not entirely or even partially true! I have never run my lyrics through Google….
What great story telling!!! Good questions in your bridge. I enjoyed the humor in your lyrics and am still smiling. Great song concept and to my ears VERY original. Great skirmish!
There's nothing you can sing that can't be sung nothing you can do that can't be done... it's easy. All you need is love. Seriously though, like you I do google searches to see who I stole from. This song is very pleasant, and dare I say it-- original.
Clever deep dive into the fears of a writer.
Creative and clever way of interpreting the prompt. Cool work and good listen.
ha, what a creative take on the prompt! in this day of AI and all, who knows how whats in our heads is out there already! this is a fun stream of consciousness demo, too-really a pleasure to hear--- and some really thoughtful ideas here! what indeed is 'original'? (i certainly dont have an original answer!)
This made me chuckle! Very clever and I like the music too! Nice job Linda