Totisesti Sanon

by @lamerabbit


Liner Notes

Started with drums. I was going to make a song to a lyric I wrote based on Finnish parlament settion dictation. But then I wrote the drums first, tried to be a little original with them. Then the guitars inspired by the drums. And then took my lyrics but hit a wrong one first and decided to try if it goes nicely and it immediately did go - you can decide the nice part. Well, the nice was not really a goal here.

Vocals the first take and probably the second try at this. Used MB75 (t.bone) with a SM58 windshield (to avoid song becoming pop). MB75 is a cheaper copy of SM57, the usual guitar cabinet mic.


Haistakaa Paska
Painukaa helvettiin
Sinä ja minä

Ja totisesti sanon minä teille
Haistakaa paska
Sinä ja sinä
Varmasti kuin kuolema sanoo hän meille
Painukaa helvettiin
Hän ja minä

Emme tehneet
Mitään hyvää
Paska asenne
Omapa mokanne

Emme tehneet mitään erityistä hyvää
Pääsimme vähällä
Paska asenne
Odotimme muiden tekevän enemmän
Raatakaa hölmöt
Omapa mokanne

Haistakaa Paska
Painukaa helvettiin
Sinä ja minä


I don't know what those words mean, but this rocks!!