Big Train

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I actually saw the Big Boy train today in Roseville, CA, so I threw these words together, but don't necessarily know what they mean.


Saw the biggest train today
Did not hitch a ride
Only stopped it just to say
Would you be my guide?

Off you go to parts unknown
Just like my soul wanders
Need a path to call my own
One I shall not squander

Only time will tell my tale
Faced with immaturity
When the clock sounds its last bell
Lost in my obscurity

Words, they fall from who knows where
Cannot form a sentence
Truth I find too much to bear
Lacking in repentance

Train is moving down the track
Full in forward motion
What I seek lies far beyond
Today, it's just a notion


I really like the line asking the train 'Would you be my guide?'. Reminds me of Amtrak train trips I have taken.