The Path of Our Memories

by @musicsongwriter

Liner Notes

Thank you @wylddandelyon for your MidSummer Oracle.
My card was "card 23, Guardian of the Path, in its Reflect aspect: Path. While the other aspects of this card relate to the journey and the guides or guardians one may need in whatever quest you're on, the aspect you drew is directing you to reflect on the path itself. What is your path? Is it about where you are going or what you want to encounter and learn along the way? Should you consider alternate routes or make a map?"
So the path is a nostalgic one. It's the path of our memories. I have the piano track saved separately in case someone hears a song potential or would like to add real instruments. Here is my attempt. Thank you for listening and sharing your thoughts.

#midsummeroracle #nostalgic #path #memories #instrumental #collaborationswelcome

'The Path of Our Memories' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano, Keyboard, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


This is a wonderful piece, Nadia! It's very calming and in a way nostalgic as well. Thank you for creating!
This does have a very reflective feel to it! open honest reflection! Very nice Nadia
What a beautiful oasis of a song. Really loved the changes and flow. I feel so zen!