Golden Ratio

by @lbrewington

Liner Notes

Chords use a near Fibonacci sequence of 1 - 3 -5 -8

Written as part of this week's SongSidekick challenge
based around a connection between the golden ratio and the divine order.

Inspiration from Grimoire Zero Golden Number & FIve

#songsidekicksongcircle #countdown


Golden Ratio
(c em g c) capo 3

eb gm Bb eb

fibonnaci was a brave man to start at the number naught
and from there he grew more bold and marked 1 1 in plot
add that up together get the sum of 2

but we wont forget the magic number that is number three
and the sequence of the holy 5 that sets us free

the golden ratio
approaching greek phi (fi)
symmetry of math and art
key to the divine

then comes 8 and 13, as you might rightly know
add the last two numbers you're left with 21
do it again do it again and you get 34

the golden ratio
approaching greek phi (fi)
symmetry of math and art
key to the divine

close your eyes and hear the hum of 55
o can you feel electric 89
find your peace in the sacred number one hundred forty four
two hundred thirty three feel it in your soul
do it again do it again do it for ever more



Also thought the guitar solo at the end was really pretty and cool
Fascinated by the use of the number sequence in this one! Really one to go through a few times and I'm still noticing things about it!
I love a good math song! The gentle delivery is spot on for the meditative vibe I get.
I adore this combination of math and music! Beautiful guitar playing (especially that interlude!) and I love your vocal style. Key to the divine indeed! Lovely work!
What a lovely delivery. I could see myself listening to this on a long train ride. Your voice is sweet and lush. Really love your simple yet precise guitar playing!