Patch Surfing

by @esc4p3

Liner Notes

I don't think I've ever recorded a track like this one, I'm not a fan of this kind of music, however....

What I find really creative with the new Fantom is the ability to easily surf through different sounds, or "Patch Surfing" as I call it. I happened across a sound and that sparked the creation of this track. When it happens it happens fast, and a few layers later here it is.

ps. had to fade it out, no idea how to end it otherwise!

Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW (only to bring the audio in and do a bit of final mixing)
All sounds from the Roland Fantom

#electronic #dance #edm


I do like this kind of music, and this was pretty cool. Neat inclusion of the non-typical-EDM drums in the middle there. You did a lot in 2 minutes!
What a great title, so evocative for all of us who use synths / synth emulations and know exactly what you mean. This has tons of energy, and sounds very cohesive for something that may have originated as a "sound survey;" it has a definite progression, and tells a interesting musical story throughout. Nicely done!
You nailed the style. Your take on it is much more sophisticated than typical edm these days imo. Loving the sounds you are gettin out of that Fantom