Don't Fall Apart

by @wondertruly

Don't Fall Apart

Liner Notes

#acousticonetake #singersongwriter #folk

As a songwriter and performer, I have a penchant for the dramatic, and tend to carry big feelings about nearly everything. My car breaking down is no exception to that rule.

I've had my beloved Sea Glass Pearl Prius since 2016. It's faithfully carried me from coast to coast. I toured full time from 2016 through 2019, and this car was dependable and surprisingly rugged considering everything I put it through. We've seen sunrises and 3am stars, a handful of accidents, and thousands upon thousands of miles of that black ribbon of interstate.

My partner and I went to Colorado over the weekend for a friend's wedding. One hundred miles out of Denver, one of my tires blew. After getting the spare on, we drove it the rest of the way to our hotel...and then the spare popped in the hotel parking lot. The tow that got us to the tire place ended up breaking the splash guard loose, and we didn't find out until we were five hours into our 13-hour drive back home, when something started rattling badly in the driver's seat wheel well.

It's looking like it's time to trade in my car for something sturdier.

I pack bond with inanimate objects too easily. This song is an ode to my amazing Prius, the inimitable Queen Charles.


You hold me
Through the desert to the frigid sea
Ain’t we a sight to see?
All lit up from the inside
Unlimited and free

I was caught up in crossing every state line
I thought that we had more time

Baby, please don’t fall apart
Don’t tell me that we’re over
Don’t let go, let me heal your heart
It’s part of getting older

We can still scale the mountains
You don’t have to leave

I’m holding on
I can do what it takes to fix you
I might be wrong
I don’t want to be right if being right means I have to let you go

I got caught up when I fought my way back to you
What am I supposed to do?

Baby, please don’t fall apart
Don’t tell me that we’re over
Don’t let go, let me heal your heart
It’s part of getting older

We can still see the city
You don’t have to slow down now

I was set on growing old together
But I think the magic’s gone

Baby, please don’t fall apart
I can’t believe it’s over
You can let go, take half of my heart
If it’s a lighter weight to shoulder

You can still scale the mountains
If you go on without me
I’ll be fine
I’ll be fine
I’ll be fine


I like the way you put this tune together on the surface it sounds like you're talking about a car and I'm pretty sure that you really are. But it also sounds like the loss of relationship, moving on. Very pretty song.
Knowing the backstory just makes this all the more amazing. I can envision this as a love song to another person so easily. So well done.
Very beautiful song, singing and playing. It must be so amazing to listen to you live but I enjoy listening to your demo.
You have such a nice voice. Great tribute to your Prius!
Wonderful tribute
Here's to big feelings - they can inspire great songs! My car is a 2000 and it just won't die - my son just got a Prius and he loves it. This is one of my favorite kinds of lyrics - one that is about something very specific to you, but is written so openly. Just beautiful lyric writing. Gorgeous melodies, love the lyrical pacing and phrasing. The pre-chorus and post chorus are wonderful - this has such a nice structure and beautiful flow. Well done!
Lovely voice and performance. Loved how you took the car and made it about a person. Great write IMO. :)