The Boxer

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


Never thought I'd be a boxer
Never even wore the glove
Then I put my first foot forward
Found a sport that I could love

Uppercut and throwing punches
Out and back here flies my fist
Pound-for-pound I am a champion
Yes, a real pugilist

Watch him when he pulls his punches
Strike him when he's dropped his guard
Lay a right cross to his glass jaw
Down he goes, and falling hard

It's a knockout? No, he rises
He's not really down and out
Back he comes with kidney punches
Foul, I cry, and pause the bout

Take a breather, catch my breath
I'm breaking sweat, not bleeding bad
Back into it, there's a low blow
Down I go onto the pad

Ref is chanting out an eight count
On my knees I groan and rise
Feigning injured, pull a fast one
Nail my fist between his eyes

Down he goes, now for the last time
Arm is raised in victory
Underdog, they called me one time
Cheering, making history

I've been here for seven decades
Never saw inside a ring
But I found I am enjoying
Boxing on this VR thing


this would make a good boxing song that deserves more than a VR revelation at the end. It is so realistic that i was truly caught up in the match.