Snail Shell

by @orinthebard

Snail Shell

Liner Notes

Music as therapy lol. Has anyone else ever been in this place and how did you learn to trust yourself again?




No I don’t trust myself
I want someone to tell me what to do
But I trust no one else
So tell me what the fuck I’m s’possed to do

This world has never felt safe to me so I’m just gonna go back in my snail shell
Don’t try to step to me– my skin was too thin– I’m a gastropod now
–World has never felt safe to me so I’m just gonna go back in my snail shell
Don’t try to step to me
Don’t try to step to me


No I don’t trust myself
Because I only think in black and white
You’re the Madonna, baby
Until you are the Devil in my mind

You don’t know how I cut it off so quick
But I was the first one I abandoned

The world has never felt safe to me so I’m just gonna go back in my snail shell
Life is a fantasy if you don’t choose to look at the world outside now
–World has never felt safe to me so I’m just gonna go back in my snail shell
Don’t try to step to me
Don’t try to step to me


Now I’m all by myself
And I don’t see how conditions can improve
When I trust no one else
And still don’t know the fuck I’m s’possed to do

Watching the shadows play, the night and the day outside my snail shell
Life at a snail’s pace cuz I don’t think my friends deserve my shit now
–World has never felt safe to me so I’m just gonna go back in my snail shell
Don’t try to step to me
Don’t try to step to me


It takes something to perform an a cappella song like that!
Greatly done. Not a dull second, you brought me in straight away!
very good text!

btw: I always go back into my shell and I'm glad I have it!
hypnotic and powerful! all those really interesting production and performance choices really bring out all the nuance in the lyric- great work on all of it! creative and thoughtful and catchy as well!
Ha ha ha ha. What a cool sonic space. Feel the lyrical content.

As far as trusting yourself, for me there are good days and bad days.

Just realizing the smallest things can put me in a bad place and telling myself over and over again that it will pass even if takes hours, days, or weeks, seems to help a little.
well that gets inside your head! any answer would be a bit trite - the only answer is what other choice is there! Really good song that drone vox really hits it! Top class
I really relate to these lyrics. It's a constant battle to remind myself of all of the good decisions I do make rather than just remember the bad ones.

I really like the arrangement and your vocals really carry through.