sunken place

by @nahlej381

Liner Notes

#casiocore #lofi #indie

another jam based around the casio SK-1 toy sampling keyboard from '85/'86 ish. loads of fun to play with, limitations like crazy that make em really fun. laid some bass and guitars to spice it up a bit then did a bunch of volume edits on the bass to give it that choppy sound. was fun.


Quite a bit to enjoy for sure. Pretty impressive the way you incorporated the SK-1 here. Love that bass, too. That slap is tasty!
This is gorgeous dude. The pretty stuff sitting behind that girthy bass is perfect.
The juxtaposition of the fuzzy, saturated Casio sampler and the almost delicate bass and guitar tones is splendid. Very hypnotic groove and riffage. Love that ending.
Ha! I love that thick sound making room for a lighter atmosphere, then combining with it to create exquisite velvet for the ears!
Wonderful track, really enjoyed it!
Nice! Just listening to this, it sounds so unique, One of the reasons I love doing lots of listening during fawm/5090 is listening to stuff that isn't just "generic" that anyone could have come up with. The sound design that went into this lifts it up
Lots to enjoy here, especially that choppy bass...
A bit eerie in a good way...