Ballad For A Distant Planet

by @candle

Liner Notes

#space一rock #improv #一sýƶýģý一 #space #improvisation #one一take #live一to一tape #jeskola #jeskola一buzz


WARNING: This is another one that is long. It clocks in above the eleven minute mark as well. Sorry, I will write some shorter songs: I promise! Please allow sufficient time for the entire experiænce. Or, alternatively, you may choose to listen to just a portion of the song.

Well, I put my Mobius Looper to work on this one. I built up three loops before playing live on top of the loops. Not as complex as I'm hoping for, but I'm slowly working toward this crazy looper's delight I have imagined in my head. Slowly being the operative word in that phrase… In fact, you should add the word "Very" before "Slowly" & you start to get closer to what's actually going on in the Candle Universe… 😊

The lyrics are completely improvised as I laid down the track, as is the guitar & the bit of melotron (c/o the RedTron SE VSTi controlled by my Akai MPK Mini) near the end. I went pretty spacey on this song, getting back to the Space Rock leanings of my youth, I guess you could say 😆

Well, I gotta get to bed. I'm sure I'll be exploring more possibilities tomorrow…

See You In The Shadows…

2000 Fender Deluxe Stratocaster
Peavey PVM-22 Dynamic Microphone
DigiTech Grunge Pedal
Akai MPK Mini MK III MIDI Controller
Behringer FCB1010 MIDI Foot Controller
Behringer UNC404HD Audio Interface
Candle's "Live" Jeskola Buzz Project
Plectum: White Bread Tag (thicker than most) marked with the letters "GP" (you're welcome @fuzzy! 😀 )

This song is released under the Creative Commons CC0 (Public Domain) License. Do with it as you will.


Ballad For A Distant Planet

As I drift across the cosmos
Somewhere out there
Is a planet I can call home
And I'm lost in this great emptiness
The great emptiness of the universe

As I drift through a distant solar system
I long to see the sunrise
Across a foreign alien planet
With crystal seas
Drifting onto an obsidian beach
And all I see is peace…


Really cool, full of space in the feeling of the track moving along at its own pace.
I gotta say, I adore your longer tracks. It's like being in a whole different world! A beautiful, mysterious world that draws you in to itself. I love all the texture here with the looping. And you always have such stunning riffs! The lyrics are great and your vocal performance is so incredible. I am just in awe. And the melotron is rad! Really amazing work here!
I imagine visuals from a starship where the picture on the screen is heading into a sea of unknown lights darting by, almost like an ocean's abyss except it's space, and maybe, just maybe a guy with a cowboy hat and a guitar is sitting at the helm watching the visuals unfold from starlight flashes to a void of blackness at times. Certainly stimulates the imagination. Enjoyed listening.
Very cool build to the vocals entering around 3 minutes in. The chord progression has a certain feeling of open-ended anticipation to it. And the length of the song feels a little like drifting through space, not sure what you'll find; which the solo guitar line also lends a hand to. The synth chorus around 9 1/2 minutes in was a nice touch.
Nice buildup before the lyrics cut in. Love that reverb bouncing in my headphones. The music and singing are dark. Can't wait to see the lyrics