
by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#bass #tootlestick #instrumental #synths


The power of the tootlestick leads you through the first part of the track (is this a particular tootlestick, it sounds extra nice), then the synthy-choir goes off into Dreamland, vocals emphasize the Arabic element mentioned by @candle , and of course the bass, them the return of the tootlestick. Quite the journey
The flute with its arabic sensibilities gives this a mystical/magical feel that I certainly can appreciate. This did not disappoint!

See You In The Shadows…
Some great bass playing you have here. Like it!
AAAhhh - that Bass! You got me on the first tone! and then the flute gentle follows him/her (?) ... dramatic drums ...But over all: this Bass groove keeping the whole track together! It's also mystical with that voice ...
Thanks for the BASS!