Midnight Visions

by @rocketgrrrl

Midnight Visions

Liner Notes

Here is my #firstfruits offering. I remember waking, years ago, with the moonlight filling my bedroom. I walked to the window and looked down on the silver yard outside, filled with my own secret thoughts and yearning for impossible things.

I am glad they came true.

#folk #fantasy #girlwithpiano


Moonlight Visions
Jemma Kline

I wake, awash in silver light,
Its touch now spreading through our room.
You sleep, so quiet by my side.
I hear the whisper of the moon.

Moonlight visions,
Midnight dreaming.
Without shadows,
All is clear.

Outside, I find the hidden stair,
The stones abandoned years ago.
I climb to reach the midnight air,
Then sit upon the argent throne.

Moonlight visions,
Midnight dreaming.
Without shadows,
All is clear.

Transformed I rise into the skies,
With shining wings now opened wide.
My silenced voice at last can cry,
As on the nighttime winds I fly.

Moonlight visions,
Midnight dreaming.
Without shadows,
All is clear.


I like the structure: putting images in the listener's mind with the verses and applying a reassuring positivity to them in the chorus.
didnt we all? some fine lines here! and a good use of descriptive lines! nice one
"Without shadows, All is clear." Love this line, great song!
Fabulous imagery. The video is playing in my head.
Great song prompt..sometimes they are just outside our window. Very nice playing and the melody is soft light moonlight!
I like how this is both delicate and energetic, with the feeling of longing and hope palpable. This really soars!
Cool song concept! It feels thoughtfully dreamy with a sense of yearning approaching joy. Love the chorus - "without shadows all is clear" - what a great line. I like the dramatic bridge and making that last chorus rise.