Got Something To Prove

by @brohachomuchacho

NSFW Challenge: Idiom

Liner Notes

#rap #singersongwriter #pop #collaborationswelcome


Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome for, The One and Only!

I saw something just last week, and
This shit made me sick, made my knees straight weak, man

I saw a wild child throwing a fit,
Picking fights because they think
That they got something to prove

And they’re shameless: far from blameless
They’re victims of a system that just won’t save them

A system out of place and out of date,
With all these kids who can’t relate, because they think
That they got something to prove


And where do you think they learned it?
Stranger danger in the screen!
A thousand different voices saying: “this is what you need”

Predatory promises!
For people lacking confidence!
Pretending to be prophets, while theyre selling you the providence!


Because it’s too damn easy
Kids are vulnerable, call it lemon squeezy
Without role models, man life’s a maze
With every wrong turn promising the way, but

They don’t care
They ain’t there
They ain’t gonna have your back, bitch
They wont answer your prayer

And when the times comes,
And they turn your lights off,
Because you couldn’t pay the bills,
Man you know who’s gonna care?

The people that you feel with,
The ones you’re real with,
The ones who got your back when you got shit to deal with

Not the ones who play games,
Using you to their advantage,
Sociopathetic fame,
From people that they damage

You wanna prove yourself?
Bitch, go get a job!
Make something of your life,
Clout is just a facade!

Look inside yourself to earn your strength,
You can’t demand it
Don’t try to be tough: just be someone worth respecting


Great message here. Brilliant singing, playing, energy. A rap song at its best. Love it,
Wow, dude! You came with it. I totally appreciate the message. I truly appreciate the production value and yeah - you've got spit game fo sho! Aces, Chief.