Electric Kool-aid

by @nahlej381


Liner Notes

#instrumental #sampling #trippy
#oddtimesignature #drugs

Played my bell kit and a random hand drum acted as a snare rim. Verses are in 3/4 chorus in 6/8 which was weird for me. Obligatory drug track.


Yup…definitely trippy. Well done! 💜
I actually met Ken Kesey once.
Great track here.
You know how much I love using those old anti-drug clips.
Love that soothing groove you get going in the back.
The only thing it would kill would be your ego.
Yeah, I like this a lot.
Love the mix on this. The percussion is lit. Bells could be a little louder tho
Cool instrumental sampling song. I really like the mix of the instrumental track with the sampled commentary.
@billwhite51 you really get me, bill. If you haven’t already, you should check out MAPS they’re doing really interesting work in the field of psychedelic medicine. They’re a big voice for MDMA and psilocybin for treating PTSD and other stuff.
very trippy! nice work here🎶
Lets get back to some serious discussion of LSD. Failing that, Id like to drop Nahlej's beats into the Capitol's water supply.