Hey Neighbor!

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


Hey Neighbor!
There's a cobweb on your car
Looks like you don't drive too far
It's just a little bit bizarre
You even have one

Hey Neighbor!
Get that junker off the street
For my eyes it is no treat
Seeing it towed would be so sweet
My idea of fun

Hey Neighbor!
I see that patch of weeds
It's beginning to make seeds
But no matter what my screed
You just don't mow it

Hey Neighbor!
Would it hurt to plant some grass?
I don't want to sound too crass
But get off your lazy ass
Take pride and show it!

But don't you dare turn the tables
And point out all my foibles
Equating me with you
As if that's even true

Hey Neighbor!
Perhaps we are the same
We all carry the blame
And have to face the shame
Of our inaction

Hey Neighbor!
Please let me lend a hand
Together take a stand
And all goodwill expand
Please accept my redaction


ha a ha this made me smile , some cool rhymes and the pointing out of all the little foibles - very well done
Liked the way the calling out of the neighbour turned into self-reflection.
Masterclass. Loved every word. So relatable.